Research interests

My research activities focus on the tropical and subtropical climate variability

Principal projects:

  • Lead of the "convection-precipitation" French team of the NASA AOS mission (Atmosphere Observing System) : PI of the project C2OMODO (supported by CNES)
  • The Megha-Tropiques indo-french satellite, supported by CNES and ISRO (2011-today): PI of the scientific products derived from the SAPHIR instrument.
  • Co-PI of the Paris-Saclay SPACE-OBS incubator for space missions (2017-2020)
  • Co-chair (2016-2010) and member (since 2011) of the GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment GVAP
  • Member (ongoing) of the GEWEX Data Assessment Panel GDAP
  • Co-I of the ESA Climate Change Initiative on Water Vapour (Phase 1 : 2018-2021, Phase 2 : may 2022 - may 2025)



  • passive remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor : microwave (183.3GHz: SAPHIR and AMSU-B/MHS sensors) and infrared (~6.3microns: mainly METEOSAT) measurements
  • passive and active observations of clouds and precipitations: CloudSat, CALIPSO, ISCCP climatology
  • radiative transfer modelling
  • dynamical analyses using back-trajectory reconstructions
  • probabilist diagnostics for the evaluation of Earth System Models




in the pipeline:

  • Galewsky J. M. Scheinder, C. Diekmann, A. Semie, S. Bony, C. Risi, K. Emmanuel and H. Brogniez: The influence of convective aggregation on the humidity of the troposphere: insights from observations of the stable isotopic composition of water vapor. In prep for AGU Advances


recently accepted/published:


  • Hé J., Brogniez H. and L. Picon (2022) Evaluation of tropical water vapor from CMIP6 GCMs using the ESA CCI+ “water vapor” climate data record : insights from large-scale atmospheric circulation. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 22 (18), 12591-12606, doi:10.5194/acp-22-12591-2022
  • Höjgard-Olsen E., H. Chepfer and H. Brogniez: Observed and simulated sensitivity of tropical clouds and atmospheric moisture to sea surface temperature on various time and space scales, Part 1 : focus on low level clouds. Journal of Geoph. Res. Atmos.
  • Höjgard-Olsen E., H. Chepfer and H. Brogniez: Observed and simulated sensitivity of tropical clouds and atmospheric moisture to sea surface temperature on various time and space scales, Part 2 : focus on high level clouds. Journal of Geoph. Res. Atmos.
  • Radice C., H. Brogniez , PE Kirstetter and P. Chambon: Novel assessment of modeled relative humidity with satellite probabilistic estimates. Atmos. Chemistry and Physics .
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, F. Auguste, JP Chaboureau, S. J. Munchak, X. Li, Z. Haddad, D. Bouniol A. Dépée, T. Fiolleau and P. Kollias: Time-delayed tandem microwave observations of tropical deep convection: Overview of the C2OMODO mission. Frontiers in Remote Sensing.


  • Prasad A., S. Sherwood and H. Brogniez (2020): Using Megha-Tropiques and radiosonde data to constrain humidity in regional convective simulations: A Northern Australian test case. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. (in press) doi:2020GL087466
  • H. Brogniez and P-E Kirstetter : Coupling of clouds and tropospheric humidity in the tropical Western Atlantic: insight from multi-satellite observations, Geophys. Res. Letter., 2020, 47 (7), doi:10.1029/2020GL087466
  • E. Hojgard-Olsen, H. Brogniez and H. Chepfer: Observed influence of SST on the tropical atmospheric water cycle, J. Clim, 33 (9), 3449-3470, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-0468.1.
  • Carella G., M. Vrac, H. Brogniez, P. Yiou and H. Chepfer: Statistical downscaling of water vapour satellite measurements from profiles of tropical ice clouds. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1-20, doi:10.514/essd-12-1-2020



Previous papers :

see the LATMOS web here




list of pre-LATMOS era:

  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon, 2009 : A study of the free tropospheric humidity interannual variability using Meteosat data and an advection-condensation transport model. J. Clim., 22, 6773-6787, doi: 10.1175/2009JCLI2963.1 (pdf).
  • Brogniez H. and R.T. Pierrehumbert, 2007 : Intercomparison of tropical tropospheric humidity in GCMs with AMSU-B water vapor data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L17706, doi:10.1029/2006GL029118 (abstract) (pdf)
  • Brogniez H. and R.T. Pierrehumbert, 2006 : Using microwave observations to assess large-scale control of the free tropospheric water vapor in the mid-latitudes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14801, doi:10.1029/2006GL026240  (abstract) (pdf)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon, 2006 : A clear sky radiances archive from METEOSAT "water vapor" observations. J. Geophys. Res., 111, D21109, doi:10.1029/2006JD007238  (abstract) (pdf)
  • Pierrehumbert R.T., H. Brogniez, and R. Roca, 2006 : On the relative humidity of the Earth's atmosphere. In The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, T. Schneider and A. Sodel Eds. Princeton University Press. (pdf) (pdf)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon, 2005 : Evaluation of the tropical free tropospheric Humidity in AMIP-2 simulations using METEOSAT Water Vapor channel data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, doi:10.1029/2005GL024341.  (abstract) (pdf)


International and National Conferences


  • Braun S., J. Yorks, T. Thorsen, N. Takahashi and H. Brogniez: Cloud and precipitation measurements planned within the NASA Earth System Observatory / Atmosphere Observing System. The AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago and online, USA, 12-16 Dec 2022
  • J. Yorks, S. Braun, E. Nowottnick, T. Kubota, H. Brogniez, E. Berndt, D. Cecil and T. Thorsen: AOS inclined time-varying observations of aerosols, clouds, convection and precipitations. The AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago and online, USA, 12-16 Dec 2022
  • J. Yorks, S. Braun, E. Nowottnick, T. Kubota, H. Brogniez and D. Kirshbaum: The AOS inclined orbit project: determining the diurnal variability and associated processes of precipitation, convection, clouds and aerosols. The AMS-NOASS Collective Madison meeting, Madison, USA, 8-12 Aug 2022.
  • Puech J., L. Hermozo, H. Brogniez, …: The new generation high resolution all-sky atmospheric sounder SAPHIR-NG.  International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, physical & virtual event, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-22 July 2022.
  • M. Schröder, O. Danne, U. Falk, A. Niedorf, R. Preusker, C. Brockmann, J. Fischer, M. Hegglin, H. Brogniez, J. Eiras-Barcs, J. Hé, L. Gimeno and S. Pinnock: A combined total column water vapor data record from microwave imagers and near-infra-red observations: results from validation and applications. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 23-27 May, 2022
  • M. Hegglin, H. Yé, M. Schröder, J. Fischer, R. Preusker, D. Hubert, J-C Lambert, C. Rolf, K. Walker, S. Sioris, B. Kerridge, R. Siddans, H. Brogniez, O. Danne, T. Trent and J. Hé: The ESA Water Vapour Climage Change Initiative – Phase 2. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 23-27 May, 2022


  • Adams I., S. Munchak, Y. Liu, H. Brogniez, J. Turk, R. Bennartz, M. McLinden, L. Hermozo and G. Mace: Science Objectives of the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation Millimeter and Submillimeter-wave radiometers. The AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans and online, USA, 13-17 Dec 2021
  • Hé J., H. Brogniez and L. Picon, M. Schröder, R. Preusker and O. Danne : Variability of tropical water vapor and large-scale circulation from CMIP6 GCMs and ESA CCI+ “water vapor” climate data records. The 2021 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, virtual event, 20-24 September 2021
  • Hé J., H. Brogniez and L. Picon: Tropical water vapor and large-scale circulation from CMIP6 GCMs and ESA CCI+ “water vapor” climate data records. ESA ATMOS Conference, virtual event, 22-26 Novembre 2021
  • Hé J., H. Brogniez, L. Picon, M. Schröder, R. Preusker and O. Danne : Evaluation of the tropical water vapor of CMIP6 GCMs with ESA CII+ “water vapor” climate date records: insights from large-scale atmospheric circulation. The EGU General Assembly, virtual event, 28-30 April 2021
  • Radice, C. , H. Brogniez, PE. Kirstetter and P. Chambon : Novel assessment of model relative humidity with satellite probabilistic estimates. The EGU General Assembly, virtual event, 28-30 April 2021
  • Puech J., L. Hermozo, H. Brogniez, …: SAPHIR-NG high resolution microwave sounder: towards an enhanced observation of the atmosphere.  International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, physical & virtual event, Brussels, Belgium, 12-14 July 2021.
  • Hé J., H. Brogniez, L. Picon, M. Schröder, R. Preusker and O. Danne : Variability of tropical water vapor from CMIP6 GCMs and ESA CCI+ “vater vapor” climate data records. The 2021 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, virtual event 20-24 September 2021


  • Michot V., H. Brogniez, M. Vrac, S. Thao, H. Chepfer, C. Dufour and P. Yiou: Estimation of fine-scale relative humidity profiles : an issue for understanding the atmospheric water cycle. The EGU General Assembly, virtual event, 7-12 May 2020.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, JP Chaboureau, F. Auguste, T. Fiolleau and D. Bouniol: Observing the dynamical processes of tropical convectiob via delta-t measurements: description of the C2OMODO project. The ESA-GEWEX Earth4Water Conference, online event, 16-18 Nov 2020.
  • Schröder M., H. Brogniez, S-P Ho, L. Shi and U. Falk: The GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP) : results from the intercomparison of global water vapour data records. The ESA-GEWEX Earth4Water Conference, online event, 16-18 Nov 2020.
  • Brogniez H., JP Chaboureau, F. Auguste, R. Roca, D. Bouniol and T. Fiolleau: A tandem of spaceborne microwave radiometers to observe deep convection: strategy of observation and scientific objectives of the C2OMODO project. The AGU Fall Meeting, online event, 1-18 Dec 2020.


  • Hogjard-Olsen E., H. Brogniez, and H. Chepfer: Observed Influence of SST on the Tropical Atmospheric Water Cycle. The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019
  • Rosenfeld D., C. Cornet, S. Aviad, H. Brogniez, (…): C3IEL Mission: Cluster for climate and cloud imaging of evolution and lightning. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13-17 May, 2019.
  • Brogniez H., L. Picon, H. Chepfer, V. Noel, PE Kirstetter and M. Coulon: Analysis of FTH variability in subsiding regions. GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment workshop, Madrid, Spain, 14-15 June 2019.
  • Carella G., V. Michot, M. Vrac, H. Brogniez, P. Yiou and H. Chepfer: Observing the atmospheric water at different scale: linking water vapour measurements and cloud profiles with a non-parametric statistical downscaling method. The 14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019.
  • Brogniez H., PE Kirstetter and C. Dufour : Observations multi-satellite du couplage nuages/humidité relative dans l’Atlantique tropical. Reunion du GdR Megha-Tropiques, Arcachon, France, 23-25 Sept 2019.
  • Chepfer H., H. Brogniez, V. Noel and R. Guzman: Diurnal cycle of water vapor and cloud profiles observed from space, comparison with one GCM. CFMIP 2019 Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity, Mykonos, Greece, 30 sept-4 oct, 2019.
  • Schröder M., H. Brogniez, SP Ho : The GEWEX Water vapor assessment. The 22nd International TOVS Study Conference, Saint-Sauveur, Canada, 31 oct-6 nov 2019.
  • Hogjard-Olsen E., H. Brogniez, and H. Chepfer: Observed and Simulated Influence of SST on the Tropical Atmospheric Water Cycle. CFMIP 2019 Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity, Mykonos, Greece, 30 sept-4 oct, 2019.
  • Brogniez H., PE Kirstetter and C. Dufour: On the diurnal cycle of atmospheric relative humidity in the intertropical regions. The AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 9-13 dec 2019.


  • Brogniez H. and P-E Kirstetter : Coupling of clouds and atmospheric relative humidity in the intertropical regions: insight from multi-satellites observations. The AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 December.
  • Noël V., H. Chepfer,M. Chiriaco, H. Brogniez, J. York and P. Raberanto: The diurnal cycles of clouds profiles and water vapor over land and ocean seen the the CATS spaceborne lidar and Megha-Tropiques sensors. ESA ATMOS 2018, Salzburg, Austria, 26-29 November.
  • Cornet C., D. Rosenfeld, H. Brogniez ...: C3IEL: a train of nano-satellites to study the clouds and their environment. Nanosat Conference, Paris, France, 14-15 November 2018.
  • Trent T., H. Brogniez, M. Schroder and J. Remedios: Process-oriented evaluation of water vapour in UKSEM, UK National Earth Observation Conference 2018, Birmingham University, UK, 4-7 September.
  • Carella G., M. Vrac, H. Brogniez, P. Yiou and H. Chepfer: Non parametric statistical downscaling of satellite measurements at different scales: linking observations from a lidar and a passive microwave sounder. EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September.
  • Schroder M., H. Brogniez, S-P Ho and L. Shi: The GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP): final results from first phase and the future of G-VAP. The 8th GEWEX Science Conference, Canmore, Canada, 6-11 May 2018
  • Wirth M, and coauthors: Qsat: a mission proposal for profiling water vapour from space The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8 - 13 April 2018
  • Stevens B., S. Bony, H. Brogniez, L. Hentgen, C. Hohenegger, C. Kiemle, T. L'Ecuyer, A-K Naumann, C. Schär, P. Siebesma, J. Vial, D. Winker and P. Zuidema :The mesoscale organization of shallow convection The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8 - 13 April 2018


  • Brogniez H. and H. Chepfer: Merging Megha-Tropiques and A-Train observations. Another way to look at the cloud-environment interactions The 5th annual meeting EECLAT, St Valery-sur-Somme, France, 23-25 January 2017
  • Brogniez H., H. Chepfer, D. Bouniol and PE Kirstetter: Cycle of water vapor associated to the development of clouds: Merging Megha-Tropiques, A-Train & ADM-Aeolus ISSI workshop on 'Shallow clouds, water vapor, circulation and climate sensitivity', Bern, Switzerland, 27 Feb - 3 March 2017
  • Stevens B., H. Brogniez,C. Kiemle and J. Killiani : Structure and dynamical influence of water vapor in the lower tropical troposphere. The 1st HALO Symposium, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 14 - 16 March 2017.
  • Stevens B., H. Brogniez,C. Kiemle and J. Killiani : Observations of water vapour in the lower tropical troposphere and their implication for a preferred mode of cloudiness near the triple point. The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23 - 28 April 2017.
  • Brogniez H.: Space-borne observations of humidity: state-of-the-art and future challenges. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation & Climate, Lewiston (ME), USA, 16-21 July 2017
  • Picon L. H. Brogniez,R. Roca and P. Sinigoj : Representation of the tropical free tropospheric humidity and its variability in large scale models. The 2017 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Rome, Italy, 2-6 October 2017.


  • Fallourd R., J-F Rysman, H. Brogniez, C. Claud, J. Delanoe and C. Dufour: SAPHIR pour la détection de la convection. Megha-Tropiques meeting, Montpellier, France, 10-12 October 2016
  • Sinigoj P., L. Picon, and H. Brogniez : Representation of the tropical free tropospheric humidity and its variability in large scale models. The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.
  • Garot T., Brogniez H. , R. Fallourd, N. Viltard and C. Dufour: Relations humidité-convection pendantla MJO: exploitation des observations SAPHIR. IPSL Science meeting on space-borne observations, Guyancourt, France, July 4th 2016
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, P. Chambon, T. Garot, R. Fallourd and PE Pirstetter : Quelles contraintes peut apporter Megha-Tropiques Annual workshop DEPHY-2, Paris, France, 13-14 June 2016.
  • Brogniez H.: Opportunities offered by Megha-Tropiques. Humidity profiles from SAPHIR : what are the possibilities ? ISSI workshop on 'Shallow clouds, water vapor, circulation and climate sensitivity', Bern, Switzerland, 8-12 Feb. 2016


  • R. Roca,H. Brogniez, P. Chambon, ... the french MT science Team: The Megha-Tropiques Mission: status after 4 years in orbit ESA Conference, Frascatti, Italy, 20-22 October 2015
  • T. Wilheit, W. Berg, H. Brogniez, S. Datta, V. Payne and J. Wang : Use of MHS and SAPHIR for validation og GMI. The 2015 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Toulouse, France, 21-25 September 2015.
  • H. Brogniez, A. Gambacorta and C. Dufour : Relative Humidity of the tropical atmosphere monitored by the recent microwave sounders ATMS and SAPHIR. The 2015 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Toulouse, France, 21-25 September 2015.
  • Brogniez H.,V. Payne, S. English, C. Crevoisier, R. Fallourd and M. Luo : An interesting bias in spaceborne observations in the 183GHz line: some clues to understand it. The 2015 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Toulouse, France, 21-25 September 2015.
  • T. Garot, H. Brogniez , V.O. John, V.H. Payne and M. Luo : Evaluation of SAPHIR/Megha-Tropiques observations - CINDY/DYNAMO campaign. The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2015.


  • H. Brogniez and R. Roca : First sight of the Upper Tropospheric Humidity variability during CINDY-DYNAMO: Exploitation of the SAPHIR measurements. The 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, California, USA, 31 March - 4 April 2014.
  • G. Clain, H. Brogniez , V.O. John, V.H. Payne and M. Luo : Evaluation of SAPHIR/Megha-Tropiques observations - CINDY/DYNAMO campaign. The EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 2 May 2014.
  • V. Payne, T. Wilheit, J. Wang, W. Jones, S. Datta, A. Santos-Garcia, H. Brogniez, G. Clain, M. Luo, JL Moncet and E. Mlawer : Use of SAPHIR and GMI for intercalibration of polar orbiting passive microwave water vapor sounders. The 2014 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 September 2014.
  • H. Brogniez, R. Sivira, C. Mallet and G. Clain : Evaluation of the atmospheric humidity as seen by SAPHIR/Megha-Tropiques: accounting for uncertainties. The 2014 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 September 2014.
  • T. Garot, H. Brogniez and N. Viltard : Impact of tropical mesoscale convective systems on upper tropospheric humidity : exploitation of Megha-Tropiques data. The 2014 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 September 2014.


  • G. Clain and H. Brogniez : Validation of Brightness Temperatures observed by SAPHIR instrument onboard Megha-Tropiques Satellite. The 2013 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 September 2013.
  • T. Wilheit, H. Brogniez, S. Datta, W.L. Jones, V. Payne, E. Stocker and J. Wang: The use of SAPHIR on Megha-Tropiques for intercalibration of polar-orbiting microwave water vapor sounders. The 2013 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 September 2013.




  • Picon L., R. Roca, H. Brogniez and J. Lémond: Surveillance et analyse climatique de l'humidité de la troposphère libre depuis l'espace: exemple des données METEOSAT. Colloque CNFGG, UNESCO, Paris, France, 17-19 November 2008.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, and L. Picon and: Free Tropospheric Humidity from METEOSAT: Link to large-scale dynamic . AGU Chapman Conference on Atmospheric Water Vapor and Its Role in Climate, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, 20–24 October 2008
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez, L. Picon and M. Desbois, 2001: High resolution of Free Tropospheric Humidity from METEOSAT over the Indian Ocean. The MEGHA-TROPIQUES 2nd Scientific Workshop, Paris, France, 2-6 July 2001. (proc.)
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez, TF Yang, L. Picon and M. Desbois: Multi-scale observation of upper tropospheric humidity over the Indian Ocean. Global Energy and Water cycle EXperiment Conference, Paris France, 10-14 September 2001. (abstract)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: First results of the AMIP2 GCMs evaluation using METEOSAT Water Vapor data. The AMIP Workshop: towards innovative Model Diagnostics. Report of the World Climate Research Program. Toulouse, France, 12-15 November 2002. (proc.)
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez, L. Picon and M. Desbois: Free Tropospheric Humidity observations from METEOSAT water vapor data. The AMS Conference, Long Beach, USA, February 2003.  (proc.)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: Interannual variability of the Free Tropospheric Humidity over Tropical Atlantic and Africa. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003.  (abstract)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: Interannual and intraseasonal variabilities of the Free Tropospheric Humidity using METEOSAT Water Vapor channel over the Tropics. The 2004 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May-4 June 2004. (proc.)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: Evaluation de l'humidité de la troposphère libre tropicale dans les MCGs avec METEOSAT: Méthodologie et application à AMIP-2. Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère "Contrôle et vérification des modèles", Toulouse, France, 29-30 November 2004.  (proc.)
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez and L. Picon: Free Tropospheric Humidity in the tropics: METEOSAT observations and large-scale dynamics interpretation. Keynote presentation, 2nd CM-SAF User and Training Workshop, Nurenberg, Germany, 28-31 August 2005.
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez and L. Picon: METEOSAT observations of the Free Tropospheric Humidity: large-scale dynamical interpretation and GCMs performances. 3rd Indo-French workshop on Megha-Tropiques under ISRO-CNES Programme on Atmosphere, Climate and Oceanography, Ahmedabad, India, 17-20 October 2005.
  • Brogniez H. and RT Pierrehumbert: Analysis of the influence of a climate change on the free tropospheric water vapor distribution over mid-latitudes areas in GCMs. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December 2005.
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez and L. Picon: A 14-years METEOSAT Water Vapor database for the evaluation of general circulation models over tropical areas. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December 2005.
  • Brogniez H., C. Lemaître, T. Fiolleau, R. Roca and L. Picon: Liens entre la vapeur d'eau troposphérique et la couverture nuageuse: Etude de la campagne AMMA 2006. METEOSAT SECONDE GENERATION colloquium: un nouvel instrument de suivi de l'environnement, Dijon, France, 13-14 September 2007.
  • Lemond. J, L. Picon, R. Roca and H. Brogniez: Variabilité interanuelle de la vapeur d'eau tropicale en haute troposphère. METEOSAT SECONDE GENERATION colloquium: un nouvel instrument de suivi de l'environnement, Dijon, France, 13-14 September 2007.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, J. Lemond and L. Picon: Variability of 22 years of METEOSAT First Generation Water Vapor observations. Joint EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference and the 15th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Satellite Meteorology & Oceanography Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-28 September 2007. (abstract) (proc.)
  • Keckhut P., N. Montoux, S. Bekki, H. Brogniez, C. David and J. Jumelet: Cirrus climatology at mid-latitude observed with lidar. SPARC/SCOUT-O3/NDACC/CNRS Reunion Island Symposium, Tropical Stratosphere - Upper Troposphere, Saint-Gilles les Bains, 5-9 November 2007. (abstract)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, C. Lemaître and L. Picon: A study of the relationship between Free Tropospheric Humidity and cloudiness during AMMA using Meteosat Second Generation. 2nd International AMMA Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-30 November 2007. (abstract)
  • Aires F., H. Brogniez , F. Bernardo and C. Prigent: Retrieval of atmospheric water vapor profile using Megha-Tropiques platform. 10th specialist meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, Florence, Italy, 11-14 March 2008. (abstract)
  • Aires F., H. Brogniez , F. Bernardo and C. Prigent: Retrieval of atmospheric water vapor profile using the Megha-Tropiques platform. International TOVS Study Conference XVI, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, 7-13 May 2008.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: Variability of the free tropospheric water vapor over the Eastern Mediterranean from 22 years of METEOSAT observationsThe 2nd HyMex International workshop, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2–4 June 2008.
  • Roca R., H. Brogniez , J. Lémond and L. Picon: On the distribution of the Free Tropospheric Humidity from METEOSAT. The 2008 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 8-12 September 2008. (abstract)
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, L. Picon, M. Schroder and J. Schultz: Long-term Measurements of Water Vapor in the Troposphere From Space: Where do we Stand? AGU Chapman Conference on Atmospheric Water Vapor and Its Role in Climate, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, 20–24 October 2008.
  • Roca R., J. Lémond, L. Picon and H. Brogniez : On the distribution of the Free Tropospheric Humidity in the intertropical belt. AGU Chapman Conference on Atmospheric Water Vapor and Its Role in Climate, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, 20–24 October 2008.
  • Gosset M., R. Roca, H. Brogniez, O. Chomette, L. Eymard, E. Rivière, N. Viltard and M. Viollier: Megha-Tropiques CALibration/VALidation: a proposal from the French Mission Group. International conference on Megha-Tropiques Science and Applications, Bangalore, India, 23-25 March 2009.
  • Brogniez H., E. Rivière, F. Aires, N. Amarouche, L. Eymard and G. Durry: A validation scheme for the Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR water vapor profiles. International conference on Megha-Tropiques Science and Applications, Bangalore, India, 23-25 March 2009.
  • Aires F., H. Brogniez, F. Bernardo and C. Prigent: Combined SAPHIR/MADRAS retrievals under clear and non-precipitating situations. International conference on Megha-Tropiques Science and Applications, Bangalore, India, 23-25 March 2009.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca and L. Picon: An interpretation of the Free Tropospheric Humidity interannual variability observed from METEOSAT using a transport model. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
  • Brogniez H., R. Roca, T. Fiolleau and L. Picon: Moisture environment of a mesoscale cloud system: a case study from the 2006 AMMA campaign. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
  • Montoux N., P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne, H. Brogniez and C. David: Modelling the cirrus occurrence at mid-latitudes through the isentropic transport. IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS Joint Assembly (MOCA), Montréal, Canada, 19-29 July 2009.
  • Schulz J., H. Brogniez, V. John, R. Roca, M. Schroder and L. Shi: Towards improved global data sets for upper tropospheric humidity: a pilot activity of the global network of R/SSC-CMS. The 2009 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Bath, England, September 2009.
  • Brogniez H., P. Fanise and J-C Dupont : Le radiomètre bi-fréquences DRAKKAR. Journées SIRTA, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 31 mars 2012.
  • Lémond J., L. Picon, R. Roca, H. Brogniez and R. Guzman : Humidité de la troposphère libre tropicale. Colloque "Satellites Grand Champ", Clermont-Ferrand, France, 21-22 jan 2010.
  • Roca R., L. Picon and H. Brogniez : Free Tropospheric Humidity from GEO platforms: A long time series perspective. GEWEX/ESA/ESRIN GlobVapour Workshop on Long Term Water Vapor Data Sets and Their Quality Assessment, Frascati, Italy ,8-10 March 2010.
  • Picon L., R. Roca, J. Meijer, H. Brogniez, M. Schroder and A. Kniffka: Climate short term evolution of the free tropospheric humidity from METEOSAT data. Final COST workshop on the Atmospheric Water Vapour in the Climate System, Paris, France, 26-28 sept 2011.
  • Brogniez H., R. Sivira, P-E Kirstetter, F. Marquisseau and C. Mallet : The Megha-Tropiques payload : a contribution to the monitoring of the tropical water vapor. Final COST workshop on the Atmospheric Water Vapour in the Climate System, Paris, France, 26-28 sept 2011
  • N. Viltard, R. Roca, H. Brogniez and M. Gosset : Megha-Tropiques mission status. 6th International Precipitation Working Group workshop, Sao Jose dos Campos, 15-19 oct 2012.
  • R. Sivira, H. Brogniez, C. Mallet and Y. Oussar : Tropospheric Relative Humidity Profile Statistical Retrievals and their Confidence Interval from Megha-Tropiques Measurement. 9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, L'Aquila, Italy, 3-7 sept 2012.
  • R. Sivira, H. Brogniez and C. Mallet : Retrieval of relative humidity profiles and its associated error from Megha-Tropiques measurements. International Radiation Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 6-10 aug 2012.
  • Picon L., R. Roca, H. Brogniez and M. Schroder : Recent climate variability in West Africa from long series of METEOSAT data. 4th AMMA Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-6 july 2012.
  • H. Brogniez, G. Clain, R. Sivira and C. Dufour : Overview of the French effort around Megha-Tropiques data: the atmospheric water vapor. 1st Indo-French Megha-Tropiques Scientific Workshop, Bangalore, India, 17-19 December 2012.


Head of the Master 2 degree "Studying the Climate of the Earth" of Paris-Saclay University : web site

Part of the Graduate Program of the Graduate School "Geosciences, Climate, Environment and Planets" : web site


Undergraduate classes:

  • Electromagnetism
  • Optics & Electrokinetic
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid dynamics: introduction to Earth's atmosphere and oceans
  • Introduction to geology



Graduate classes:

  • Radiative transfer: theory and application to planetary atmospheres
  • Fluid dynamics for the oceans and the atmosphere
  • Observing the Earth components using remote sensing



  • Edition of "Short Private Online Courses" (SPOC) on atmosphere for undergrads : here (IPSL)